CET - BEd 2020 Counseling Choice Filling Details

Thursday, October 1, 2020


Notice 1 B.Ed.


CET-B.Ed 2020

श्री नारायण शर्मा टीचर्स ट्रेनिंग कॉलेजमोतिहारी में नामांकन के लिए इच्छुक CET-B.Ed 2020 में सम्मिलित अभ्यर्थीहमे प्रथम वरीयता में चुने। संस्थान क्रम संख्या 33 पर उपलब्ध है।

कॉलेज का चुनाव करने के लिए http://www.bihar-cetbed-lnmu.in को click करें।

हमारी (SNSTTC कीविशेषताएं :

  1. उत्तम पाठ्यचर्या 
  2. योग्य प्राध्यापकों की टीम 
  3. शहर के मध्य में अवस्थित 
  4. शांत  हरे-भरे वातावरण के बीच पठन-पाठन
  5. ऑनलाइन पठन-पाठन की उत्तम व्यवस्था(eLearning)
  6. वृहत लाइब्रेरी 
  7. छात्रावास एवं उत्तम पौष्टिक भोजन की सुविधा 
  8. परिवहन की सुविधा 
  9. कोर्स के साथ TET/CTET/STET इत्यादि परीक्षाओं की तैयारी
  10. सर्वांगीण विकास का लक्ष्य

नामांकन / कॉलेज के चुनाव/काउन्सलिंग से सम्बंधित किसी भी प्रकार की जानकारी या सहायता के लिए आप हमें सीधे काॅलेज में , नीचे दिये गये नंबरों या डिजिटल माध्यमों से संपर्क करेंहमारे अनुभवी सलाहकार आपको सहायता उपलब्ध कराएंगे।

कॉल करें




या दिए गए लिंक को click करें


या  हमे 8987512345 पर HI लिख कर व्हाट्सएप्प करें।


आप हमारे वेबसाइट www.snsvidyapeeth.in या  www.snsvidyapeeth.edu.in पर जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं I

काॅलेज के आॅनलाइन चुनाव से पहले एक बार महाविद्यालय के प्रांगण में जरुर आएं और यहाँ के शैक्षिकसाफ-सुथरे  हरे-भरे वातावरण से अवगत हो जाएं। काॅलेज आने के लिए आगे दिये गये मैप लींक का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं। https://maps.app.goo.gl/BWPacw2ckwSBn5KfA



CET-B.Ed 2020

Candidates who appeared in CET-B.Ed 2020 should select Serial Number - 33 in the first preference for the enrollment in S.N.S Teachers' Training College, Motihari. 

For Online Counseling, click http://www.bihar-cetbed-lnmu.in.

Our (SNSTTC's) features:

  1. Best Curriculum.
  2. Qualified Professors.
  3. Situated in the middle of the city.
  4. Peaceful Environment with Natural Greenery.
  5. Online eLearning.
  6. Extensive Library.
  7. Accommodation and Hygenic Food Facilities.
  8. Transport facilities.
  9. Preparation of Exams like TET/CTET/STET with ACS
  10. All-round & Holistic development. 


For any kind of information or assistance related to enrollment/college selection/counseling etc, you should contact us directly in the college or on the numbers given below or through the digital platforms.

Our experienced advisors will assist you better.


Call :




Or click the given link


Or WhatsApp 'Hi' on 8987512345.


You can get information on our website www.snsvidyapeeth.in or www.snsvidyapeeth.edu.in.

Before Online College Opting Process you should visit the college campus and get acquainted with the educational and eco-friendly environment of the college. You can use this map link to visit the college:-




Date Schedule For Ad Campaign For B.Ed - 2020 Online Counseling.


30/09/2020 - RESULT DAY. 

03/10/2020 - Opening of 1st Counseling, Choice Filling & Payment of Registration. 

04/10/2020 - Choice Filling & Payment of Registration.

05/10/2020 - Choice Filling & Payment of Registration.

06/10/2020 - Choice Filling & Payment of Registration.

07/10/2020 - Choice Filling & Payment of Registration.

10/10/2020 - Display of Allotted College And Date of Online Part Fee Payment Start. 

11/10/2020 - Date of Online Part Fee Payment. 

12/10/2020 - Date of Online Part Fee Payment.

13/10/2020 - Date of Online Part Fee Payment.

14/10/2020 - Date of Online Part Fee Payment. 

16/10/2020 - Display of Admitted List. 

17/10/2020 - Verification of Documents & Display of Rest Fee.

18/10/2020 - Verification of Documents & Display of Rest Fee. 

19/10/2020 - Verification of Documents & Display of Rest Fee. 

20/10/2020 - Verification of Documents & Display of Rest Fee. 

21/10/2020 - Verification of Documents & Display of Rest Fee. 

22/10/2020 - Display of Rest Fee. 

28/10/2020 - Display of Admitted List By College. 


First Counseling Complete


Bihar CET B.ED Entrance 2020 Results (Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga) out

Check Results:- https://bihar-cetbed-lnmu.in/login


Download Answer key:- 

1.       https://bihar-cetbed-lnmu.in/ftpwebapps/lnmu/documents/Answer%20Key%20CET-B.Ed.%202020.pdf

2.       https://bihar-cetbed-lnmu.in/ftpwebapps/lnmu/documents/Answer%20Key%20Shiksha%20Shastri%202020.pdf





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